Energy Technologies
- Management and modelling of Renewable Energy Systems (RES)
- Novel catalytic materials for energy applications
- Water – Energy nexus applications
- Carbon Capture and Sequestration – Utilization (CCS – CCU)
- Carbon/Biomass to Electricity
- Direct Carbon Fuel Cells (DCFCs)
- Energy saving devices – “Smart” materials for energy applications
Environmental Engineering
- Environmental Systems Analysis
- Life Cycle Assessment and Eco-efficiency analysis
- Environmental Catalysis
- Advanced web-based technologies for monitoring air emissions
- Environmental issues in the transportation sector
- Emissions reduction schemes for the maritime and aviation sectors
Industrial Systems
- Fault diagnosis in energy systems
- On-line quality control for industrial systems
- Control and leak detection in public utility water networks
- Thermal and energy characterization of building structural elements
- Decision support tools
- Advanced IoT applications
Lab Activities
The academic and research disciplines of the IEESL comprise various activities:
Undergraduate courses
Find out more details about undergraduate courses provided by members of the Lab.
Postgraduate courses
Find out more details about postgraduate courses provided by members of the Lab.
See all academic publications published by members of the Lab.
Research Projects
Check all research projects currently carried out in the Lab.
Research projects
The following projects are currently active:
Energy-aware Factory Analytics for Process Industries
FACTLOG is driven by several specific business cases in the process industry and focuses in innovation about Analytics, AI and Optimization on the Deployment and Assessment of coherent Enhanced Cognitive Twins for the specific sectors represented in the project.
NESOI aims at unlocking the potential of EU islands to become the locomotives of European Energy Transition, mainstreaming green energy investments to an audience of 2.400 inhabited EU islands and giving the opportunity to test there innovative energy technologies and approaches in a cost-competitive way.
Development, design, production and environmental analysis of advanced solar thermal collectors and heat storage systems using vacuum and phase change materials.
Rational design and development of nano-structured catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation to value-added
products (NANOCO2).
LIGBIO-GASOFC focuses on the development and evaluation of novel materials, devices and processes for the efficient co-current energy conversion.
Direct Conversion of Biomass to Electricity in MED area via an Internal Catalytic Gasification Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (DB-SOFC)
Design of an intelligent
system for sustainable
management of
water networks:
application to Crete
Our News
Be updated with our latest news:

FACTLOG: new H2020 project kick-off meeting

Best poster award of IEES Lab

4th Annual Symposium | Energy Transition IV SE Europe and beyond

Highly cited paper of IEES Lab

Michalis Konsolakis joins Editorial Boards in academic journals
- Editorial Board
Years Experience
Get in touch
Stay tuned with a team of professionals in the field of energy, environment and industrial applications.